
Thoughts on technical documentation from within the semiconductor industry. Scalable, practical, and modern examples that support enterprise-level structures.

See my LinkedIn page for more information on what I do professionally or to contact me.

David Image

Redline changes

Ensure a clear markup between version for complex and long documents to help reduce review fatigue and improve quality.

One-click templating

Using Jinja and Cookiecutter to instantly create documents in your company's style and configuration.

Automating style checks

A scalable solution to enhance our documentation quality across large and distributed authoring teams.

Multi-variant documents

One document that shares content with several outputs. You could use this method where you have a single product with customer specific content blocks. Or your product is mostly similar with another product.

Protecting content

How we can realistically protect content whilst ensuring usability?

DevOps for documentation

Automatically testing and deploying documentation using a CI/CD pipeline

Readability analysis

Quickly cleaning text and generating a readability score

Documentation workflow

A graphic showing the key steps in a docs-as-code workflow approach.

Change request workflow

A simple and auditable change request workflow that incorporates merge request approvers.

Analyzing document changes

We can use git-diff or a document lifecycle tool to analyze changes between any document versions.

Change request management

Using GitLab as a document lifecycle tool gives us strong collaboration and change request functionality.

My docs-as-code toolchain

I use a set of open-source and well document tools to create and manage documentation at an organizational level.

Version control

Using Git as a tool to version control documentation gives us complete transparency and control over content updates.

Applying structured data

Using controlled templates to write DITA and Schema.org compliant content helps us write more functionally.

Applying a Docs-as-Code approach to QMS

Creating documentation correctly in the first instance removes the need for secondary Quality Management Systems (QMS) or Document Management System (DMS) software. Integrating Gitlab as a DevOps tool for documentation is a lightweight and scalable way to enhance a QMS.

Developing documentation remotely

With the COVID-19 virus pandemic changing the way companies apply work from home policies, a Docs-as-Code approach to documentation facilitates remote collaboration on a larger scale.

Creating technical documents

General information on using Sphinx or Pandoc to create scalable technical documentation using Docs-as-Code principles.